“The Calling” is the name of my 4th Children’s Picture book, but it is also a wake up call for all the Children of the Earth…. That is all of us who are young at heart.
I am inspired to create this portal for you to engage with your creative juices and share your ideas with others.
Over a year ago, I received a vision of a young boy wearing a crown and with that a website name that was “WONDERFULyou”.
This morning I woke up knowing that it is time for me to launch this portal to provide a platform as a way for you to share your amazing ideas that will help us build a better world.
This is a WAKE UP call to imagine the “What If…..” We are creative beings. That is our divine nature and the gift of being alive on this precious jewel of a planet. Each of us has the opportunity to make a difference. Whether it is as simple as making someone smile or a grandiose idea of starting a world wide change making organization, the scale is not what matters. YOU matter! Your ideas, your inspiration, you believing in yourself and that you DO and CAN make a difference.
So lets do this together and join the many many other inspired people on planet Earth to help create a brand New Earth!
My first step is to provide this portal for those of you who are inspired by my book “The Calling”. This book is based on the Prayers of Peace that were presented during a gathering of the world religious leaders in Assisi, Italy in 1986. The book is about ONEness and Unity of the heart. It is about children who daily go out to their special tree and say their morning prayers. On the day of “The Calling” when the children went outside to say their prayers, a very magical thing happened. They were magically connected into a circle with other children who also say a special morning prayer with their favorite tree. They created a circle of ONEness through their collective prayers that spread throughout the world.
I had been asked by my spirit guides in November 2017 to publish this book for the holidays. In the process of editing the book, visions came to me that included the golden white light that spread around the world with the sound of Oneness - the Eternal OM (AUM). Our prayers do make a difference AND so do our actions. I have termed this year of 2018 the year of “Love in Action”. So Lets do it!
Please send me your inspirations for creating simple acts of kindness. Send me your response to the book and how you can make this world a better place.
I hope to make this portal more interactive, but need some training as to how to design that for either this website, or a new one. So, Stay tuned and stay inspired! If you would like to receive a copy of “The Calling”, return to my webpage for the order form.
Thank you for your contribution to making the world a better place to live!
May all our dreams come true!
My Second Step will be to figure out how to create an interactive portal under the name “WONDERFULyou”. If any of you who read this have ideas as to how to do that, or other websites that are fun, easy to use and interactive, please pass that along.
Happy Thank you More Please
Elandara ~ 1/06/2018